似曾相识 "此朕少年事"


My research interest is healthcare reform and alternative payment model, with a special focus on how healthcare providers and private sector react to these innovations. My job market paper investigate the effects of a mandatory bundled payment model, Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model, on public and private sector. Leveraging on a 2SLS strategy, I show a almost one-dollar-to-one-dollar following cost effect from treating Medicare patients to commercially insured patients; and also a following type of effects when making the discharge decesion.

I also conduct research focusing on public health and causal methods. The most recent project compares the strategies of constructing counterfactuals by asking the question that if it is preferrable to directly select the comparable obervations from the dataset.

I was awarded as a Graduate Center Fellow with a stipend of totaling $27,115 annually since 2019 (obviously not enough to live in NYC, please fund CUNY); and Stone Center Fellow in 2020 for one semester with $10,000 fellowship.

Outside school, I am currently Medical Research Intern at COTA. Using the unique Real World Dataset from COTA, my work mostly focuses on identifying the sequence of regimens and therapies on stage III and IV patients with Lund Cancer, and understanding the effects of different sequences and combinations. In addition, I also serve as a quantitative analyst at the Immigration Research Initiative, investigating the living and working conditions of immigrants in New York State and whole US.

I earned my master degree from Lund University, major in international economics. It was a nice time in Sweden and I grew a lot, though I missed the whole summer to conduct the field works at Nordic Center, Fudan University. My undergraduate university is Northeatern University, China. I met some dearest friends there and we worked hard to grow our Model United Nations Association. I miss them a lot.





road trip,跑过66号公路。